News - Painted Kitchen Company

The Benefits is a flat packed kitchen - The Painted Kitchen Company Ltd

The Benefits is a flat packed kitchen

Flat packed kitchens, what to look for options and customisation

The Benefits is a flat packed kitchen

Flat packed kitchens, what to look for options and customisation

How to choose the perfect kitchen appliances on a budget - The Painted Kitchen Company Ltd

How to choose the perfect kitchen appliances on...

Rules to follow when choosing your perfectly Kitchen appliance on a budget

How to choose the perfect kitchen appliances on...

Rules to follow when choosing your perfectly Kitchen appliance on a budget

Beginners guide to DIY kitchen remodelling - The Painted Kitchen Company Ltd

Beginners guide to DIY kitchen remodelling

DIY Kitchen remodelling ideas and solutions - get the help and advice you need

Beginners guide to DIY kitchen remodelling

DIY Kitchen remodelling ideas and solutions - get the help and advice you need

DIY Kitchen Light Upgrades - The Painted Kitchen Company Ltd

DIY Kitchen Light Upgrades

Adding or changing the lights in your kitchen can transform the space - here are some top ideas

DIY Kitchen Light Upgrades

Adding or changing the lights in your kitchen can transform the space - here are some top ideas

The timeless In-Frame Kitchen - The Painted Kitchen Company Ltd

The timeless In-Frame Kitchen

The timeless in-frame kitchen design and why it has lasted decades

The timeless In-Frame Kitchen

The timeless in-frame kitchen design and why it has lasted decades

The benefits of home cooking and planning - The Painted Kitchen Company Ltd

The benefits of home cooking and planning

Creating a meal plan can help reduce waste and stress of deciding what to cook - here are some ideas

The benefits of home cooking and planning

Creating a meal plan can help reduce waste and stress of deciding what to cook - here are some ideas